

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

on May,2021 The Holy Vesak day is celebrated at many Buddhist Temples especially in Borobudur Temple

The Holy Vesak Day

A major festival in the Buddhist Calendar, Waisak day celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha Siddharta Gautama. Borobudur is a central meeting point for Buddhists from all over Indonesia, and around the world on this auspicious day held every year, on a full moon in either April or May each year.
Each year one of a series of Buddhist organisations take the lead in the festivities, which include a procession from Mendut temple through to Pawon temple and then Borobudur. Depending on the organiser of the year, the emphasis is slightly different, but it is always colourful and filled with festivity and food.
The around 15,000 participants stretch for over a kilometre on the walk to Borobudur, where they settle before a dias with Borobudur as a backdrop.
The thousands sit and join together in repeating mantras, is a powerful and humbling experience. Then a meditation begins, with a complete silence. Intense.

This is an extraordinary experience that for visitors shows the both the strength of Buddhism and the plurality of religions in Indonesia, as this government and community supported celebration flourishes.
For up to date information for the next celebration contact our Visitor Assistance Centre who can give you advice and help you with any arrangements you may need.

sewu_waisak3Waisak day is celebrated at many Buddhist Temples, it is also celebrated at Candi Sewu within the Prambanan Temple Compunds.

For a richer cultural experience, hook up with a local guide to fill you in on a wide range of historical, artistic and religious intricacies.

You also get great insight on how the local people understand religion and its place in contemporary Javan life. It is fascinating stuff. Inexpensive and worthwhile, it is also a great way to support the local community.

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